IPC-2581 Consortium Corporate Members
Members of the IPC-2581 Consortium include OEMs, EDA/DFM/CAM software companies, PCB fabricators, electronics assemblers and test companies.
Members of the IPC-2581 Consortium include OEMs, EDA/DFM/CAM software companies, PCB fabricators, electronics assemblers and test companies.
As a manufacturer of High Technology PCB's, Accurate Circuit Engineering endorses the development of an intelligent, open standard for PCB design, fabrication and assembly. ACE supports the IPC-2581 initiative as it will help us meet our customer’s need for quick-turn, high technology, Quality Printed Circuit Boards by providing a standardized method of data sharing across an open, intelligent platform. ACE encourages our customers to utilize IPC-2581 as It greatly reduces the costs and complexity associated with transferring data into various proprietary formats.
Email: moc.b1739030444cp-ec1739030444a@sem1739030444aj1739030444
Website: http://www.ace-pcb.com/
ADIVA fully supports the industry’s adoption of IPC-2581. This IPC standard has been developed and approved by all interested parties. The adoption and usage of IPC-2581 will provide the industry with its first truly open global data exchange standard. A common public standard under the auspices of the IPC is in the best interest of the industry as we all strive to gain efficiencies, shorten cycle times, and reduce costs.
Email: moc.a1739030444vida@1739030444sklim1739030444j1739030444
Website: http://www.adiva.com/
ADS Inc. believes in IPC-2581 as an open, neutral, and global PCB design data transfer format needed for the industry. We believe collaboration with all consortia members would be best for our industry as we all strive to encourage innovation, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. ADS Inc. is committed to adopting the IPC-2581 standard and we encourage others to join and support us.
Email: moc.b1739030444cpsda1739030444@gret1739030444ep1739030444
Website: http://adspcb.com/
Aegis Software relies upon efficient design data transfer as both the starting point and data model foundation of its Manufacturing Operations Software. As such, Aegis is enthusiastically committed to the IPC-2581 format. The electronics manufacturing industry truly needs a vendor-agnostic format capable of carrying as much information as required to design, launch, and execute a manufacturing process. Aegis will be incorporating the IPC-2581 importer into its system and making it available for free to all current and future users of its CAD import subscriptions.
Email: moc.p1739030444rocsi1739030444a@yes1739030444olkim1739030444b1739030444
Website: https://www.aiscorp.com/en/
We believe that IPC-2581 provides an open, neutral, and efficient PCB design data transfer format to support our ECAD interfaces in our Altair PollEx PCB application and other PCB related software tools. Altair offers solutions in the domains of AI, machine learning, HPC, and Multiphysics simulation technology under the simulation driven design philosophy.
Email: moc.r1739030444iatla1739030444@hweh1739030444nus1739030444
Website: https://www.altair.com/
Altium supports an open file exchange format that will enable vendor neutral data interchange driven by a public committee. We believe a single common intelligent file format to drive all aspects of the PCB design, manufacturing, and test will help to fuel efficient electronics design. Altium will support the IPC-2581 format and is committed to collaborating with all consortia members to help ensure its smooth acceptance as the standard design exchange format in the PCB design and manufacturing industry.
Email: moc.m1739030444uitla1739030444@renb1739030444esnre1739030444f.lei1739030444nad1739030444
Website: http://www.altium.com/
Amazon Web Services is committed to supporting open data exchange formats. We are interested in supporting formats like IPC-2581 to streamline collaboration with manufacturers, engineers, and vendors
Email: moc.n1739030444ozama1739030444@icsa1739030444mm1739030444
Website: https://aws.amazon.com/
Anark is a leading provider of intelligent information management (IIM) software and solutions for technical industry, enabling engineering, procurement, manufacturing, and field service organizations to publish and manage technical content, for access and digital workflows across the extended enterprise—yielding faster iterations, reduced material waste, and higher-quality products and maintenance services with substantial cost savings. Anark is well known in enterprise manufacturing for mechanical products, and is now extending support for web-based digital collaboration workflows for electrical products with IPC-2581.
Email: moc.k1739030444rana@1739030444ofni1739030444
Website: http://www.anark.com
ANSYS, a simulation software provider, relies upon ECAD design data for analysis. We would like to use an open, neutral industry supported format, the IPC 2581 standard, to enable importing the design data into our simulation environment for Electrical, thermal, and mechanical analyses.
Email: moc.s1739030444ysna@1739030444letyp1739030444.evet1739030444s1739030444
Website: http://www.ansys.com/
As an electronic contract manufacturer, Anuva Manufacturing Services is very aware of the pressures associated with time-to-market and cost-to-market. Anuva supports the development of a standard PCB CAD output file as it would help minimize new product implementation time as well as improve quality through standardization.
Email: moc.s1739030444ecivr1739030444esavu1739030444na@el1739030444bmikm1739030444
Website: http://anuva.com/
APCT Inc. is a leading manufacturer of High Reliability, Rigid Printed Circuit Boards. Located in the heart of Northern California’s Silicon Valley. APCT believes in IPC-2581 as an open, neutral, and global PCB design data transfer format needed for the industry. We believe collaboration with all consortia members would be best for our industry as we all strive to encourage innovation, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. APCT INC PCB Manufacturing is committed to adopting the IPC-2581 standard and we encourage others to join and support us.
Email: moc.s1739030444ara@i1739030444ksnyz1739030444dahcp1739030444
Website: http://www.aras.com/
We would like to support IPC2581 as a standardized format to enable better communication between, for example, Fab and Assembly vendors.
Email: moc.e1739030444lppa@1739030444ruak_1739030444tojhb1739030444arp1739030444
Website: apple.com
As an industry we should strive to continuously improve. IPC-2581 represents a significant step forward in streamlining inter-system data transfer in the supply-chain by providing an open and neutral standard readily available to all vendors. Consona Corporation is committed to providing support for IPC-2581 in our Cimnet® PCB product line, a suite of pre-production and ERP products.
Email: moc.n1739030444aetpa1739030444@llen1739030444o.kna1739030444rf1739030444
Aras®, the enterprise open source PLM solution company, is committed to the support of IPC-2581 standard, a single common intelligent file format to drive all aspects of the PCB design, manufacturing, and test. We strongly believe that open, industry-wide data exchange initiatives are critical to the future of electronics design & manufacturing. We are engaged with the electronic CAD vendors and the user community to drive the adoption of IPC-2581 standard and of the related processes.
Email: moc.s1739030444ara@i1739030444ksnyz1739030444dahcp1739030444
Website: http://www.aras.com/
ArcherGrey supports IPC-2581 data exchange format used in the design and manufacture of electronic devices. As a enterprise Product Lifecycle Management service provider, we stand behind an open design data exchange to provide shared design information between design and manufacturing and between design tools from different EDA/ECAD vendors. We are committed to helping the adoption of IPC-2581 in manufacturing to lessen the frustration with the proprietary nature of ODB++.
Email: moc.y1739030444ergre1739030444hcra@1739030444llorr1739030444ac.no1739030444irb1739030444
Website: http://www.archergrey.com/
Artwork Conversions is committed to supporting an open, neutral industry standard design exchange format. Supporting IPC-2581 will enable our board design users and our OEM partners to work with any type of intelligent board data files that their end users require of them.
Email: moc.k1739030444rowtr1739030444a@eve1739030444ts1739030444
Website: http://www.artwork.com/
AT&S, Europe’s largest PCB manufacturer, is interested in the development of new intelligent data formats. Due to the scope of new technologies there will be no other way to transport all necessary information from development to the production/manufacturing group. That’s why AT&S is interested in the development of new intelligent data formats, and we want to support IPC-2581 as one of the new data formats to get design data transfer more efficiently and reliably from development to manufacturing, in the end to reduce the overall cost.
Email: ten.s1739030444ta.ed1739030444@tsua1739030444f.n1739030444
Website: https://ats.net/
As a developer of ECAD-MCAD interchange tools, Autodesk fully supports the development of IPC-2581 as an intelligent, open, vendor-neutral format. By offering support for IPC-2581 in our products we hope to take ECAD data beyond traditional tools by enabling PCB data to be easily viewed online and shared with MCAD systems.
Email: moc.k1739030444sedot1739030444ua@ye1739030444cal.t1739030444rebor1739030444
Website: https://www.autodesk.com/
We want to support and encourage all PCB designers AND manufacturers to move the most developed smart manufacturing format.
Email: moc.k1739030444sedot1739030444ua@na1739030444droj.1739030444nimaj1739030444neb1739030444
Website: www.autodesk.com
Avishtech is a leading provider of EDA simulation software and believes that the only thing more crucial for moving technology forward than developing superior tools is making them easier and more seamless to use. Dovetailing with our mission to not only allow our customers to develop better designs, but also to streamline that development process, Avishtech fully supports the IPC-2581 format.
Email: moc.h1739030444ceths1739030444iva@a1739030444lma.v1739030444ahsek1739030444
Website: avishtech.com
Axiom Electronics, your high reliability partner in Electronic Manufacturing, is committed to the adoption of IPC-2581 intelligent open format. Axiom believes this neutral standard enhances the complete supply chain, helping all electronic industry sectors bring sophisticated electronic assemblies to market at a reduced time and cost through streamlined communications. Axiom encourages our customers to adopt and implement IPC-2581 into their processes, showing the benefit of working with this complete intelligent data format.
Email: moc.t1739030444msmoi1739030444xa@ec1739030444reiP.1739030444miJ1739030444
Website: http://www.axiomsmt.com/index.php/clients-suppliers/medical/
Azitech is committed to the usage and promotion of IPC-2581 as an industry standard. We believe it is important to have this generic standard for printed circuit board data exchange to ensure an optimal cooperation between printed circuit board designers and a manufacturing or assembly facility. As a PCB technology house, we believe that IPC-2581 is necessary to ensure PCBs with superior manufacturability, quality, dependability, and uniformity.
Email: kd.hc1739030444etiza1739030444@lr1739030444
Website: http://www.azitech.dk/
BETA CAE Systems, believes in openness in interfacing engineering software. Aligned to this belief, BETA develops and maintains an interface in ANSA pre-processor according to the latest IPC-2581 specification. Moreover, BETA commits to collaborating with all consortia members to ensure that ANSA produced IPC-2581 data flow properly among their products.
Email: moc.e1739030444ac-at1739030444eb@sr1739030444entra1739030444p1739030444
Website: www.beta-cae.com
We believe IPC-2581 (a vendor-neutral, "intelligent" format) can replace many of the various formats in use today. No one single source should control the format that could limit the availability of the product to be manufactured. The move from traditional formats to an intelligent format is needed as we move forward but this should be an industry standard interface open to all not owned by one company.
Email: moc.s1739030444draob1739030444rette1739030444b@yno1739030444t1739030444
Website: http://www.betterboards.com/
BQR Reliability Engineering Ltd, believes that standardization of PCB data hand-off to manufacturing using IPC-2581will help electronic designers to provide more reliable and robustness design. To make available and standard of component and design data is the major key of globalization and will minimize the time needed to integrate PCB's from different manufacturers. We plan to support IPC-2581 data format in our tools
Email: moc.r1739030444qb@to1739030444b1739030444
Website: www.bqr.com
Cadence believes that it is in the industry's best interest that an open, public, neutrally maintained standard be adopted by all segments of the PCB design, fabrication, assembly and test supply-chain. Cadence commits to develop and maintain IPC-2581 export from its Allegro PCB design software and stay current with latest approved and published IPC-2581 specification. Cadence additionally commits to collaborating with all consortia members to ensure that Allegro derived IPC-2581 data can be accurately and smoothly consumed by their technology(s), methodology(s) and process(es).
Email: moc.e1739030444cneda1739030444c@hah1739030444s1739030444
Website: https://www.cadence.com
As a manufacturer of PCBs, CC Electronics welcomes the introduction of an open standard data format, which is capable of integrating all aspects of the manufacturing process. IPC2581 will enhance the speed, flexibility and accuracy of our data handling processes. This will translate into an improved service to our customers. CC Electronics are very proud to have been asked to manufacture the very the first board using IPC2581.
Email: ku.oc1739030444.eecc1739030444@niaw1739030444p1739030444
Website: http://www.ccee.co.uk/
Celerint supports IPC2581 as the most efficient file format for developing diagnostic tests for electronic equipment. You get all the information you need, and none of the information you don't in a concise way. We design all of our load board test tools with IPC2581 inputs.
Email: moc.t1739030444nirel1739030444ec@of1739030444ni1739030444
Website: www.celerint.com
Ciiva, a BOM management software company, believe that an open standard - IPC-2581 - will help drive and foster innovation, enabling better integration and connectivity throughout the toolchain.
Email: moc.a1739030444viic@1739030444enwag1739030444.hgie1739030444l1739030444
Website: https://ciiva.com/
An open file exchange standard will enable us to use a common file format between different vendors’ software which will streamline design data transfer to Manufacturing. We will have one common intelligent file format to send to our fab vendors and contract manufacturers. Cisco is committed to adopting the IPC-2581 standard and encourages our vendors to also support it.
Email: moc.o1739030444csic@1739030444mffoh1739030444ret1739030444
Website: https://www.cisco.com/
The COMSOL Multiphysics® software simulates the properties of devices and components based on the physical phenomena and resulting mathematical equations that affect them, which could include modeling electromagnetic, heat transfer, fluid flow, or structural properties. By supporting the IPC-2581 standard, COMSOL Multiphysics provides related industries with a more uniform approach to effective simulation.
Email: moc.l1739030444osmoc1739030444@zsal1739030444O.tna1739030444roL1739030444
Website: https://www.comsol.com/
Cybord detects counterfeit and low-quality electronic components before and during the SMT process, helping electronics companies assure that every assembled component is 100% genuine and untampered. IPC-2581, an open, neutral standard with updated live component data, provides secure design data exchange to manufacturing.
Email: ia.dr1739030444obyc@1739030444e.vee1739030444z1739030444
Website: cybort.ai
Dassault Systèmes Simulia Corporation provides business and people with virtual universes to imagine sustainable innovations. Many companies are using Dassault Systèmes software in their PCB development workflows today. In particular, several verification tools are helping to check the functionality of PCB designs on different development stages. We are already supporting various popular EDA data transfer formats, but due to its increasing popularity, we see the need for adding IPC-2581. We believe that this is a good long-term investment due to the standard’s openness and neutrality. Moreover, as designs are manufactured using IPC-2581, we expect high-quality transfer of PCB designs into our verification tools - which is crucial for the workflow robustness.
Email: moc.s1739030444d3@AW1739030444ILOD.1739030444drahk1739030444ruB1739030444
Website: http://www.3ds.com
At Desktop EDA, we believe in open standards and support adoption of IPC-2581. We are adding support for 2581 in our tools and The immediate motivation is to allow us to access better data then we can get from the exported IDX for such data as silk screen and solder mask.
Email: ua.mo1739030444c.ade1739030444-potk1739030444sed@o1739030444fni1739030444
Website: www.desktop-eda.com.au
Digitaltest develops and produces automated test systems (ATE) for electronic circuit boards, software for automating production, and quality management systems. We know that standardisation is a key to quality. And quality is our passion. With our CAD/CAM software C-LINK DTM we provide interfaces to 60+ CAD systems. IPC-2581 data is intelligent and rich and it saves time and reduces errors. Therefore we support this standard and recommend using that format in the design to manufacturing process.
Website: www.digitaltest.com
Direct Logix Inc believes that it is in the industry's best interest that an open, 100% un-encypted, public, neutrally maintained standard be adopted by all segments of the PCB supply chain. Direct Logix will support and maintain IPC-2581 data from its Control Center DFM Engineering software and stay current with latest approved and published IPC-2581 specification during the next 12 months.
Email: moc.x1739030444igolt1739030444cerid1739030444@hgie1739030444l1739030444
DownStream Technologies, as a provider of EDA tools to help companies successfully bring their designs into manufacturing, is strongly committed to the development of an intelligent and open industry standard design exchange format. Such a format will benefit all companies involved in the Design, Fabrication, Assembly and Test of PCBs and further, will enable a new generation of EDA companies with new ideas to come into the market. DownStream already supports the IPC2581 format and is fully committed to work with all consortia members to help ensure its adoption as the design exchange standard in the PCB design and manufacturing industry.
Email: moc.h1739030444cetma1739030444ertsn1739030444wod@C1739030444eoJ1739030444
Website: http://www.downstreamtech.com/
To have an open standard for PCB Data is very important to easily share data between different tools. This will enable developers to concentrate on their product. IPC 2581 is already in the focus of PCB-Investigator and will support it in 2Q12. With this standard format we can concentrate on future demands for PCB’s. Speaking the same language is very important, also for CAD formats. This approach will be a benefit for all. Thanks a lot to IPC.
Website: https://easylogix.de/home.php
Electrostein Inc. firmly believes that IPC-2581 standards encourage open and neutral data transfers in the industry. This will enable us to leverage data (eg Libraries) across industry. We believe collaborating with other consortia members will encourage interactions between different industry segments. It will help sharing best practices and encouraging innovative solutions to challenges we all face today. Electrostein is committed to adopting IPC-2581 standards and as a service provider will encourage others also to adopt and join consortium.
Email: moc.n1739030444ietso1739030444rtcel1739030444e@nuj1739030444ra1739030444
Website: http://electrostein.com/
Elmatica is committed to the adoption of the IPC-2581 intelligent open format. We are about to implement IPC-2581 as our standard for storing and sharing information between ourselves, our customers and PCB manufacturers. We will convert, translate, and link other formats into our database with IPC-2581 as the key. As an open and neutral standard, IPC-2581 is the key factor to help our industry streamline the process. This will ultimately bring sophisticated products to market faster and at a reduced cost and risk, something that we always strive to achieve and aid our partners in. Elmatica encourages our customers to adopt and implement IPC-2581!
Email: moc.a1739030444citam1739030444le@es1739030444soj1739030444
Website: https://elmatica.com/
EMC Corporation is a global leader and strongly supports the development and will openly promote IPC-2581 data transfer format. We feel it is critical to support an open, intelligent data exchange format and we will encourage our supply base to adopt this format in their process to reduce database errors and improve communications.
Email: moc.c1739030444me@al1739030444kcoh.1739030444mik1739030444
At EMS Factory, a small volume, quick turnaround company in France, believe that IPC-2581 is the future in standardization for electronic production, We recommend IPC-2581 to our customers and also do webinars/conferences about DFM, and IPC-2581.
Email: moc.y1739030444rotca1739030444fsme@1739030444tcatn1739030444oc1739030444
Website: https://emsfactory.com
Ericsson is a provider of telecommunications equipment and services to mobile and fixed network operators. Ericsson supports the adoption of IPC-2581 as an open, neutrally maintained global standard to go from design to manufacturing.Ericsson is committed to open standards. We have been a strong driver in major standardization forums for many years.
Email: moc.n1739030444ossci1739030444re@ne1739030444tsgre1739030444b.l.s1739030444amot1739030444
Website: www.ericsson.com
The development of an open source, coherent, robust data transfer format is a critical element in the further development of PCB design, manufacturing, and assembly platforms and vehicles, which ultimately, must all network at various levels. FLIR Systems enthusiastically supports IPC's ongoing dedication to this agenda, and seeks to contribute to its development.
Email: moc.r1739030444ilf@n1739030444worB.1739030444kraM1739030444
Website: http://www.flir.com/home/
As an independent Design Service Bureau, we provide library and layout support to a broad cross section of the electronics industry. We are proud to call many of the industry’s largest and most recognizable companies our “customers” and as such, we must maintain synergies with their emerging practices and requirements. Therefore, we will be migrating to IPC-2581 for PCB design data transfer for manufacturing as our customers’ transition to this new standard and we look forward to participating in the consortium to keep pace with the developments, as the standard evolves.
Email: moc.d1739030444acmod1739030444eerf@1739030444relli1739030444m.tto1739030444cs1739030444
Website: http://www.freedomcad.com/
Frontline PCB Solutions , a leading supplier of CAM and Engineering software solutions to Printed Circuits Board manufacturers is aiming to serve the industry and its customers by importing high level exchange formats such as IPC-2581 and ODB++ to improve new product implementation process and the Design through Manufacturing flow accuracy, cycle time, cost and efficiency. Being part of the consortium, will enable us to better serve the industry and our customers.
Email: moc.b1739030444cp-en1739030444iltno1739030444rf@ky1739030444nnor1739030444
Website: https://www.frontline-pcb.com/
As a participating member of this consortium, Fujitsu supports the proliferation of IPC-2581 to serve as an open, neutral, standard base from which a broad number of commercial solutions can be constructed to streamline not only the traditional CAD/CAM space, but can also be leveraged to enable improvements in related PLM and ERP operations. Fujitsu commits to adopt and implement IPC-2581 through commercial product offerings, retiring our use of proprietary tools and schema in our efforts to reduce cost, decrease product development cycle time, improve product quality and streamline time-to market. Fujitsu also commits to collaborating with its suppliers to secure their support of our strategy to facilitate information exchange using IPC-2581 enabled technology.
Email: moc.u1739030444stiju1739030444F.SU@1739030444wahS.1739030444sirhC1739030444
For DFX—Real-time manufacturing feedback means we can continually improve our designs. IPC-2581 will mesh with IPC-CFX and in this way is part of the evolution to Industry 4.0. We will be promoting the adoption of IPC-2581 to all of the EMS providers we come into contact with.
We would like to support the IPC2581 format to enable better communication with the Fab and Assembly vendors
Email: moc.e1739030444lgoog1739030444@bjar1739030444eehd1739030444
Website: www.google.com
GraphiCode supports the development of a vendor agnostic data transfer format across the PCB supply chain. GraphiCode commits itself to supporting the IPC-2581 standard across its suite of products, enabling our customers to take advantage of the cost savings and efficiencies of streamlined data transfer.
Email: moc.e1739030444docih1739030444parg@1739030444wluap1739030444
Website: http://www.graphicode.com/
Hapstronics provides Sales & Support in Electronic Design Automation and Printed Circuit Board industry. Hapstronics believes that it is in the industry's best interest that an open, public, neutrally maintained standard IPC-2581 be adopted by all segments of the PCB design, fabrication, assembly and test supply-chain.
Email: moc.s1739030444cinor1739030444tspah1739030444@hser1739030444us1739030444
Website: www.hapstronics.com
Harris supports the development of an intelligent, open, neutrally maintained standard to support all facets of the PCB design, fabrication, assembly, test and other supply-chain processes. Harris endorses the adoption of the IPC-2581 standard as a format to meet the needs of its PCB processes. Harris strongly encourages its suppliers to commit to this standard as a method to accurately communicate design information.
Email: moc.s1739030444irrah1739030444@10lk1739030444nibb1739030444
Website: https://www.harris.com/
Dedicated to an open, neutral, global standard for efficient PCB design data transfer the IPC-2581 consortium is the embodiment of the vision Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence is striving for. At Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence we believe consortiums like IPC and Open standards like IPC-2581 are the bedrock of what enables our customers to leverage the best technologies against their unique process to drive the efficiencies they need. Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence is therefore committed to the adoption of IPC-2581 to help drive efficient and effective PCB design, manufacture and test At Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence the strengths of our partnerships are built on a foundation of collaboration. We learn from our partners to provide the solutions our customers are looking for.
Email: moc.n1739030444ogaxe1739030444h@nir1739030444rep.h1739030444tiek1739030444
Website: https://www.hexagonmi.com/
High Technology Systems HTS srl believes in IPC-2581 as an open, neutral, and global PCB design data transfer format needed for the industry. We believe collaboration with all consortia members would be best for our industry as we all strive to encourage innovation, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.
Website: http://www.hightechnologysystems.it/
Huawei is a leading global ICT solutions provider. We at Huawei believe that IPC-2581 will benefit the industry with its neutral, open, standard and efficient data format. We will always drive and support innovations that will strengthen the industry.
Email: moc.i1739030444ewauh1739030444@tisu1739030444r.len1739030444oJ1739030444
Website: http://www.huawei.com/en/
We think the industry is best served by an open, neutral and global data transfer format to encourage innovation, improve efficiency and reduce costs. That's why we would like to join the IPC-2581 Consortium.
Email: moc.s1739030444tiucr1739030444icseh1739030444guh@f1739030444fej1739030444
Website: http://www.hughescircuits.com/
IBSystems Inc. supports evolving industry standards such IPC-2581 for the next-generation of electronics data transfer. We will promote the standard to our world-wide audience to accelerate its adoption by companies everywhere.
Email: moc.s1739030444metsy1739030444sbi@m1739030444aharg1739030444
Website: http://www.ibsystems.com/
In-Circuit Design (ICD) recognizes the importance of a neutral standard for the interchange of PCB design, fabrication and assembly data – particularly the description of the board stackup which until now has had no formal standard. ICD has adopted the IPC-2581 standard and has developed an Import/Export interface to our ICD Stackup Planner software. We encourage our customer base to use this new format which will alleviate many issues in data transfer.
Email: ua.mo1739030444c.dci1739030444@yenl1739030444o.b1739030444
Website: http://www.icd.com.au/
Intercept, an industry leader in PCB/Hybrid/RF layout design applications, has always been a strong supporter of open data transfer, and continues to support such efforts with our commitment to provide the IPC-2581 file format. As one of the few vendors that still utilize open ASCII formats for all of its output files, the IPC-2581 will be added to Intercept’s suite of ASCII manufacturing output options within the next year. Intercept strongly supports vendor collaboration for the promotion of improved design and manufacture practices, and is pleased to be a part of the IPC-2581 Consortium.
Email: moc.t1739030444pecre1739030444tni@o1739030444canom1739030444_ybba1739030444
Website: http://intercept.com/
IPC is pleased and excited to be a part of the IPC-2581 Consortia activity. We support the cooperation of CAD and CAM companies with OEMs and EMS companies with one common goal in mind - One Data Transfer Standard for All! This is a very important leap forward which will benefit the entire industry on a global basis. The ability to exchange information between design, fabrication, assembly and testing facilities is the ultimate goal of the IPC-2581 Consortia. The neutral format will allow for archiving important historical information for design and managing parameters. The format will be applicable to many different market segments such as military, aerospace, medical, telecom, industrial, computer and consumer. The Consortia is very interested in taking a continuous improvement approach to reaching the final version of the standard. IPC staff is dedicated to keeping the format updated as technology changes. IPC-2581 has its roots in many years of successful data transfer activity, where each effort built on the previous industry needs and explored ways to simplify the complexity of our electronic products. The present IPC-2581 builds on the best of the GenCAM format (IPC-2511) and the ODB++ structure and is thus the best of both worlds.
Email: gro.c1739030444pi@re1739030444tsaJy1739030444cnaN1739030444
Website: http://ipc.org/
The need and desire for an electronics supply chain data standard is obvious throughout the industry. The benefits are far reaching - from the source design to PCB fabricators , assembly houses, OEM's and contract manufacturers. The IPC 2581 consortium provides the industry with the best solution: A broad and diverse group of companies and individuals collaborating to provide an open, neutral and comprehensive data standard.
Email: moc.m1739030444ota-n1739030444ori@n1739030444osliw1739030444.niai1739030444
Website: http://iron-atom.com/
JITX is building a fully automated PCB design platform. We transform functional requirements to fully realized PCBA designs in less than 24hrs, without a human in the loop. JITX supports IPC-2581 as an open data format because it facilitates faster transfer of design data with less room for misinterpretation and ambiguity. We believe that an open and intelligent data format is necessary to connect our fully automated design tools to today's highly automated factories.
Email: moc.x1739030444tij@e1739030444nadla1739030444h.d1739030444
Website: www.jitx.com
KAW, a Design Engineering company, believes that PCB Design, Fabrication and Assembly process would benefit by the use of IPC-2581. We believe that this process flow with IPC-2581 would benefit the entire EDA and Electronics industry - which would in turn ensure that our customers continue to maintain a competitive advantage in their respective markets. We look forward to working with the consortium to fully support IPC2581.
Email: moc.w1739030444ak@lu1739030444ap1739030444
Website: http://www.kaw.com/
Koh Young, the industry leader in True3D™ measurement-based inspection solutions to increase productivity and simplify the life of our customers. Part of the charter requires converting an extremely complicated set of data into usable information for effective decision making. Koh Young supports IPC-DPMX (IPC-2581) as an open, neutral standard for efficient PCB data transfer that will simplify programming and ensure accurate data including inspection requirements, which will help to increase productivity. As demonstrated with our efforts involving IPC-CFX and IPC-Hermes-9852, Koh Young is a strong driver of standardization for the global electronics assembly industry.
Email: moc.g1739030444nuoyh1739030444ok@la1739030444hthcs1739030444if.tn1739030444erb1739030444
Website: www.kohyoung.com
I want to continue to get the industry to send 100% intelligent data without associated ePaper files.
Email: moc.f1739030444rok@f1739030444rok.a1739030444nad1739030444
Website: http://www.korf.com
From our initial look at IPC2581, it appears there is now a comprehensive and most importantly well-defined data transfer standard for PCB manufacturing information. Gerber has proved to be a universal format for Bare Board, but there has been nothing robust enough to provide reliable standards for the assembly process onwards. IPC2581 appears to be the format to make everyone’s life easier. KwikTic will be adding Importers to its software and closely following IPC2581 developments.
Email: moc.c1739030444itciw1739030444k@eva1739030444d1739030444
Website: http://www.kwiktic.com/index.php/en/
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 126,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. “We’re happy to see Zuken support the IPC-2581 format and we’re pleased to see the formation of a consortium of vendors and OEMs to promote and encourage adoption of the format,” said Mike Green at Lockheed Martin. “We have long believed that independently controlled and maintained standards are the most effective solution for industry-wide needs such as this.”
Email: moc.o1739030444cml@m1739030444accab1739030444.ymmi1739030444j1739030444
LogicSwap is a strong supporter of open, neural data transfer format, and will support such efforts by providing readers, writers for IPC-2581 to PCB design and supply chain companies. Having an open, intelligent standard design exchange format benefits all companies involved in the Design, Fabrication, Assembly and Test of PCBs.
Email: ten.t1739030444sacmo1739030444c@bcp1739030444nosli1739030444wekim1739030444
Website: http://www.logicswap.com/
Lutron Electronics relies upon IPC2581 for streamlined and quality design data transfer to manufacturing.
Email: moc.n1739030444ortul1739030444@arie1739030444rrepj1739030444
As a manufacturer of AOI equipment, we would like to promote using IPC-2581 and get access to latest information and standard
Website: www.marantz-electronics.com
Mentor Graphics® is a leader in electronic design automation software (from concept through manufacturing completion), enabling companies to develop better electronic products faster and more cost-effectively. We offer the flexibility our customers require to accomplish their lean NPI business objectives, including DFM validation and an intelligent hand-off to manufacturing. To that goal we support many data formats, including IPC-2581 that our customers have requested of us.
Email: moc.r1739030444otnem1739030444@kral1739030444c_xam1739030444
Website: https://www.mentor.com/
Mercury Systems believes that IPC-2581 - an open, intelligent format – can streamline the PCB design to manufacturing hand-off as well as share/leverage design data across all functions and locations. Mercury would like to adopt IPC-2581 as the standard data transfer file from design to manufacturing going forward.
Email: moc.y1739030444crm@i1739030444naira1739030444ms1739030444
Website: www.mrcy.com
Supporting IPC2581 will enable our customers to work with intelligent board data files which can be shared between all segments of the PCB Industry. This, open, global format will benefit all companies involved in PCB design. We accept IPC-2581 format now and encourage our customers to provide us data in IPC-2581 format.
Email: moc.l1739030444icnet1739030444stem@1739030444gerg1739030444
Website: https://blueringstencils.com/
IPC-2581 output file has the potential to save time and reduce manual input in respect to PCB fabrication. Would like to only produce one output file based on open, neutral, global standard that can be used to fab and assemble a design. An output file that can change with time.
Email: moc.t1739030444fosor1739030444cim@l1739030444anele1739030444j1739030444
Website: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/
Multek completely supports the implementation of the IPC-2581 PCB fabrication CAD-to-CAM bi-directional data transfer standard. This is a critical component of our Industry 4.0 automation to reduce cycle time, improve product quality and provide customers with more real time information.
Email: moc.k1739030444etlum1739030444@frok1739030444.anaD1739030444
Website: multek.com
Nano Dimension is a provider of intelligent machines for the fabrication of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME). Nano Dimension technology enables simultaneously depositing of conductive and dielectric materials, while integrating additively manufactured capacitors, antennas, coils and electromechanical components. As a manufacturer of systems for Additive Manufacturing Electronics, Nano Dimension endorses an open, public standard format IPC2581 that will enable our customers a seamless design-to-print experience.
Email: moc.i1739030444d-ona1739030444n@s.r1739030444in1739030444
Website: https://www.nano-di.com/
Nano Dimension currently offers the IPC-2581 format for our 3D AME printer and our Essemtec assembly equipment for the CFX applications. We are interested in working with the consortium to expand the format to support the 3D AME technology.
Email: moc.i1739030444d-ona1739030444n@fro1739030444k.ana1739030444d1739030444
Website: www.nano-di.com
AWR Corporation - acquired by National Instruments in 2011 - continues to develop EDA solutions servicing the microwave/RF market which includes the design of high-frequency ICs, PCBs, and MCMs. As such, working with the IPC-2581 format that's being adopted by our customers and other partners - specific to the PCB sector - is critical to end success of customers who rely on our software for RF PCB design. We are looking forward to working with the consortium to further broaden and strengthen their efforts for global adoption of IPC-2581.
Email: moc.i1739030444n@sse1739030444h.yrr1739030444ehs1739030444
Website: http://www.ni.com/en-us.html
Newbury Electronics Ltd unequivocally supports the movement towards a unified and comprehensive data format for PCB manufacture and assembly that IPC-2581 represents. As a PCB manufacturer and assembler we manage manufacturing data every day and wide acceptance of a unified format is long overdue. We wholeheartedly welcome this initiative.
Website: http://www.newburyelectronics.co.uk/
An open, intelligent format for sharing PCB ECAD data will allow Nuclei Hardware to provide an intuitive, feature rich augmented reality experience to our users.
Email: moc.e1739030444rawdr1739030444ahiel1739030444cun@m1739030444ail1739030444
Website: https://www.nucleihardware.com/
Numerical Innovations completely supports the IPC-2581 standard. We are excited about the possibilities to build leading-edge CAM/DFM related tools founded on the open standard, and will promote the IPC-2581 format to all of our users & partners worldwide.
NVIDIA fully supports the effort to bring IPC-2581 as an industry standard for intelligent and open PCB design data exchange format. Having a open standard will help drive efficiency, improvements and allow better data exchange in the PCB design field.
Email: moc.A1739030444IDIVN1739030444@idob1739030444G1739030444
Website: http://www.nvidia.com/page/home.html
Orbital Sciences is committed to integrating its design and manufacturing environments to streamline the new product development process. Paramount to this effort is an industry standard intelligent design exchange format. The IPC-2581 format is exactly what we need, and it is what we believe the industry needs. We are committed to the adoption of this format internally at Orbital, and will work to encourage our many vendors to also adopt this standard.
Email: moc.l1739030444atibr1739030444o@niv1739030444lac.n1739030444onna1739030444
Website: https://www.orbital.com/
Data Generation System Software Development department, a Process Automation Business Division commits to develop support IPC-2581 import to create PCBs for our SMT machines. Panasonic Connect will stay current with latest approved and published IPC-2581 specification. It ability to provide and support standardized IPC-2581 CAD data format will greatly benefit our customers.
Email: moc.c1739030444inosa1739030444nap.p1739030444j@nil1739030444ni.na1739030444t1739030444
Website: https://connect.panasonic.com/en/
We live in a time where Internet is filled with different technical contents that are of this or that standard. It's necessary for expert teams to foresee every modern need of the PCB process of manufacturing and to write standards that integrate all these demands. That will allow better team cooperation, better file exchange and faster production of PCBs.
Email: moc.d17390304443-bcp1739030444@trop1739030444pus1739030444
Website: http://www.pcb-3d.com/
PCB Libraries supports IPC-2581 - an Open, Neutral, Global standard for design data transfer. We believe it can play significant role in ensuring that PCB library development and management is streamlined. We recognize that once the industry adopts the IPC-2581 for footprints, it will be easier to develop and maintain a standard, IPC-7351 world-wide CAD library, from which the entire industry will benefit.
Email: moc.s1739030444eirar1739030444biLBC1739030444P@rre1739030444hsuaH1739030444.moT1739030444
Website: http://www.pcblibraries.com/
PCB Partner, based in Shenzhen provides CAM and DFM Analysis Software.We believe in IPC-2581 as an open standard and support its adoption.
Email: moc.r1739030444entra1739030444pbcp@1739030444tjuil1739030444
Website: http://www.pcbpp.com/
PCB TECHNOLOGIES AS PCB Manufacturing believes in IPC-2581 as an open, neutral, and global PCB design data transfer format needed for the industry. We believe collaboration with all consortia members would be best for our industry as we all strive to encourage innovation, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. PCB TECHNOLOGIES Manufacturing is committed to adopting the IPC-2581 standard and we encourage others to join and support us.
Email: li.oc1739030444.bcp@1739030444dimol1739030444hs1739030444
Website: www.pcb.co.il
PCBONLINE, an advanced printed circuit board manufacturing and assembly company, is proud to join the IPC 2581 consortium. IPC 2581 provides much convenience to our manufacturing. Some potential customers want to get a quote but are reluctant to send their Gerber to us because of the worry of the data breach. With the IPC 2581 format, they don't fear and are happy to send stack-up only data to us. The IPC 2581 increases our chances to deal and reduces back-and-forth with our customers.
Email: moc.e1739030444nilno1739030444bcp@o1739030444fni1739030444
Website: https://www.pcbonline.com/
Q-technologies GmbH provides software solution to enable users creating and sharing PCB specifications independently in a unique format. Q-technologies believes in IPC-2581 as an open, neutral, and global PCB design data transfer format needed for the industry. And we would like to cooperate with IPC-2581 Consortium members and adopt IPC-2581 in our products.
Email: ed.se1739030444igolo1739030444nhcet1739030444-q@re1739030444bahsi1739030444rg.v1739030444
Website: http://www.pcbspecs.de/
Photo Data are ready to receive your IPC-2581 data! As a company, we receive a significant amount of PCB data every single day as part of the manufacturing services that we offer our customers. A large amount of time is spent importing, checking, analysing and referring problem areas back to customers. For this reason, we fully endorse IPC-2581 as a means to streamlining this process and encourage both our customers and our suppliers to integrate this intelligent, open data transfer format into their own procedures and systems.
Email: ku.oc1739030444.otoh1739030444pdj@y1739030444elgni1739030444d.nho1739030444
Website: http://www.jd-photodata.co.uk/
PhySim Electronic Technology Co.Ltd software from electromagnetic simulation software to electric heating, stress and other physical simulation software. We believe in an open standard and accept IPC-2581 as input to our software. We encourage our customers to provide IPC-2581 as input to our software
Email: moc.m1739030444isyhp1739030444@niva1739030444g1739030444
Website: http://www.physim.com/
For more than 40 years, Pioneer Circuits has been a dedicated member of the PCB design and manufacturing community, and we are enthusiastic for the support around the IPC-2581 Consortium. We aim to enhance the interoperability and communication between design and manufacturing processes, ensuring superior manufacturability, quality, reliability, and consistency in our electronic assemblies. We are excited to be part of this initiative, driving the industry forward through collaboration and standardization.
Email: moc.s1739030444tiucr1739030444icree1739030444noip@1739030444ocojm1739030444ilr1739030444
Website: www.pioneercircuits.com
Polar's customers in the design and PCB fabrication community welcome a move to a consistent format for data transfer that permits efficient and open communication between the designer's tools and the fabricators environment. Polar commits to support both export and import of IPC-2581 compliant stack up data from Speedstack PCB and Speedstack Si.
Email: moc.s1739030444tnemu1739030444rtsni1739030444ralop1739030444@tcer1739030444idnek1739030444
Website: https://www.polarinstruments.com/
We support IPC-2581 as a neutral, global standard and will support import of IPC2581 to eMCAX-3D SW, and realize 3D visualization of PCB or IC, DFA and other simulations.
Email: moc.h1739030444cet-e1739030444cnese1739030444rp@uh1739030444zynnh1739030444oj1739030444
Website: http://www.presence-tech.com/
PTC supports the IPC-2581 format as a CAD vendor neutral method to describe PCB layout designs within our industry leading Windchill and Creo View products. The PCB design content described by IPC-2581 exports, combined with these PTC products, provides our customers with a streamlined review and transfer of data to manufacturing. Support for IPC-2581 import is planned for Creo View ECAD, a member of the Creo product family.
Email: moc.c1739030444tp@zl1739030444ohcsr1739030444
Website: https://www.ptc.com/
We at Pulsonix believe that an open, widely used format will help to increase efficiency as communication between the design and manufacturing processes are improved, overall reducing costs for our customers. IPC-2581 provides this format and we wish to enable the platform to our community and aid them in their design process.
Email: moc.x1739030444inosl1739030444up@wb1739030444ob1739030444
Website: https://www.pulsonix.com/
QLogic believes that an open, neutrally maintained global standard for PCB data exchange provides a multitude of benefits to all parties involved in the PCB design, verification and fabrication process. It greatly improves data integrity and accuracy by incorporating all necessary and sufficient information of a PCB in a well-defined standard format. It greatly reduces the cost and complexity associated with transferring data into various proprietary formats. QLogic supports the IPC-2581 standard and encourages our vendors to do the same.
Email: moc.c1739030444igolq1739030444@uohz1739030444.sema1739030444j1739030444
Quadcept, an online CAD solution provider for circuit and PCB design, is committed to support IPC-2581 standard to drive efficient PCB data transfer from design to manufacturing. We believe that IPC-2581 standard as an open, neutral and intelligent file format will benefit the entire electronics design and manufacturing industry. And Quadcept commits to develop IPC-2581 output function in our CAD tool.
Email: moc.t1739030444pec4@1739030444arumi1739030444hsoy.1739030444otiro1739030444y1739030444
Qualcomm supports the creation of the open standard IPC-2581. The non proprietary nature of this standard will allow multiple companies to drive the content which will result in a better data exchange format for all. Once adopted this standard will improve the data transfer for verification, fabrication, test and assembly of printed circuit boards. Qualcomm will highly encourage its PCB suppliers to get ready to adopt this standard.
Email: moc.m1739030444mocla1739030444uq.it1739030444q@rec1739030444icols1739030444
IPC-2581 is the best standard for interoperability and collaboration between EDA tools, Fabricators, and Designers. We are building software for assisting designers in their routing and selection of suitable PCB layer stack-ups and IPC2581 is the ideal choice for electronic transfer in both directions (Fab to CAD, and CAD to Fab). We would like to assist in the promotion and adoption of this standard and its advancement.
Email: ia.re1739030444tliuq1739030444@neb1739030444
Website: https://quilter.ai
As an OEM, Rauland-Borg is excited to embrace the new industry standard IPC-2581. This intelligent data format provides a common platform for all those involved in the PCB industry. We believe that this new format will help us reduce errors in transferring data to PCB manufacturers and thus increase efficiency in our overall design process. We are pleased to be a member and have the opportunity to contribute to the IPC-2581 Consortium.
Email: moc.d1739030444nalua1739030444r@yrn1739030444eh.dl1739030444areg1739030444
Website: https://www.rauland.com/
Rochester Institute of Technology believes in IPC-2581 as an open, neutral, and global PCB design data transfer format needed for the industry. We believe collaboration with all consortia members would be best for our industry as we all strive to encourage innovation, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. Rochester Institute of Technology is committed to adopting the IPC-2581 standard and we encourage others to join and support us.
Email: ude.t1739030444ir@te1739030444makm1739030444
Website: http://www.rit.edu/
As a leading manufacturer of passenger information systems for trains and public transport, we belive in the need of a truly open PCB design data transfer format. IPC-2581 reduces potential errors in data exchange and thus reduce cost for design to market.
Email: hc.fu1739030444r@sit1739030444rob.n1739030444ivek1739030444
Website: http://www.ruf.ch/en/
Sanmina supports the adoption of an intelligent, open, robust, widely supported design data standard which moves the industry towards 100% electronic bi-directional data transfer. We support the adoption of IPC-2581. Sanmina commits to working with this consortium to ensure that a reliable format and resultant tools are developed to move the industry towards a more accurate and less manual data transfer
Email: moc.a1739030444nimna1739030444s@tso1739030444rf.yr1739030444ral1739030444
Website: http://www.sanmina.com/
ScanCAD supports the development of an intelligent, open, neutrally maintained standard to support all facets of the PCB design, fabrication, assembly, and test processes. This standard is consistent with our corporate vision of “Simplifying Complex Technology”. ScanCAD incorporates the IPC-2581 standard into its family of automatic optical inspection, measurement, legacy re-engineering and process control products in order to permit the accurate and efficient dissemination of manufacturing information.
Email: moc.d1739030444acnac1739030444s@nei1739030444lloM.1739030444elleb1739030444asI1739030444
Website: http://www.scancad.net/
Screaming Circuits supports the IPC-2581 initiative as it will help us meet our customer’s need for quick-turn assembly with the highest possible quality. Joining the IPC 2581 Consortium is consistent with our vision of providing leading-edge, innovative solutions to our customers. We believe that it is essential to maintain a close relationship with the industry to ensure we are aware of, and a part of efforts to improve electronics manufacturing methods and practices. We encourage all of our customers to provide their design data in an intelligent format and will emphasize in 2012 and beyond the value of providing data in IPC 2581 format to customers and in supporting IPC 2581 to suppliers of software and hardware systems we use in manufacturing.
Email: moc.s1739030444tiucr1739030444icgni1739030444maerc1739030444s@nos1739030444nebd1739030444
Website: https://www.screamingcircuits.com/
Sedona International is an engineering design company; as such we are both a consumer and a creator of IPC-2581 data. The wide adoption of the IPC-2581 format will reduce errors in communications. Sedona expects that the user community will also gain shortened design times and cost reductions from optimized process flows utilizing IPC2581 data and the reduction of errors. Sedona International supports wide-spread adoption of an open, neutral standard (IPC-2581) for PCB design data transfer to manufacturing.
Email: moc.i1739030444ianod1739030444es@ah1739030444cosj1739030444
Website: sedonaii.com
Shenzhen VisionSoft Ltd. believes in IPC-2581 as an open, neutral, and global PCB design data transfer format needed for the industry. We believe collaboration with all consortia members would be best for our industry as we all strive to encourage innovation, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. Shenzhen VisionSoft Ltd. is committed to adopting the IPC-2581 standard and we encourage others to join and support us.
Email: moc.g1739030444nimoc1739030444noisi1739030444v@oaG1739030444.maS1739030444
Website: www.visioncoming.com
Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division commits to develop and maintain IPC-2581 import for its UniCam FX and Test Expert products from the High Tech and Electronics portfolio of PLM solutions. Siemens will stay current with latest approved and published IPC-2581 specification. The ability to provide and support a standardized eCAD data format will greatly benefit our customers and all companies involved in the Design, Fabrication, Assembly and Test of PCBs. In addition will work with consortia members to ensure that IPC-2581 data can be accurately and smoothly consumed by their technology(s), methodology(s) and process(es).
Email: moc.s1739030444nemei1739030444S@sgg1739030444irB.t1739030444reboR1739030444
Website: http://www.siemens.com/
Sierra Circuits endorses the development of an intelligent, open standard for PCB design, fabrication, assembly, test and related processes. We welcome the opportunity to contribute and as a manufacture fully support such a framework for accurate design description and transport.
Email: moc.s1739030444serpx1739030444eotor1739030444p@tim1739030444A1739030444
Website: https://www.protoexpress.com/
Signal Integrity Software supports an open neutral PCB design data format and is committed to supporting the IPC-2581 standard.
Email: moc.t1739030444fosis1739030444@ztak1739030444w1739030444
Website: http://www.sisoft.com/
Software Companions believes in IPC-2581 as an open and neutral PCB design data transfer format needed for the industry. We believe collaboration with all consortia members would be best for our industry as we all strive to encourage innovation, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. Software Companions is committed to support the IPC-2581 standard in our software, and we encourage others to join and support us.
Email: moc.s1739030444noina1739030444pmoce1739030444rawtf1739030444os@ej1739030444ret1739030444
Website: http://www.softwarecompanions.com
To confirm the specification of IPC-2581. Our product "StellaVision" supports various types of formats. And it supports to load IPC-2581 data. We are confident that we can contribute to the consortium.
Email: pj.oc1739030444.proc1739030444allet1739030444s@tro1739030444ppus1739030444
As a leading manufacturer of stencils and tooling for the medical, automotive, aerospace and electronics industries, StenTech can provide stencil design guidelines. With these guidelines it will help reduce the number of reworks they increasing profitability.
Email: moc.h1739030444cetne1739030444ts@no1739030444k1739030444
Website: http://www.stentech.com/
Surface Art Manufacturing supports the IPC-2581 initiatives as we are committed to providing our customers Services that exceed needed requirements for NPI, high technology PCBAs, mid volume and production builds with utmost quality. Joining the IPC 2581 Consortium is consistent with our mission in providing leading-edge and technology solutions to our customers. SAM believes that it is essential to maintain a close relationship with the industry to ensure we are aware of, and a part of efforts to improve electronics manufacturing methods and practices associated with transferring data into various platforms. SAM encourages our customers to provide their design data in an intelligent format and will emphasize in current and beyond the value of providing data in IPC 2581 format to customers and in supporting IPC-2581 to suppliers of software and hardware systems we use in manufacturing.
Email: moc.t1739030444raeca1739030444frus@1739030444alegn1739030444a1739030444
Website: www.surfaceart.com
Tabor Engineering supports industry adoption of IPC-2581. The adoption and usage of IPC-2581 will provide the industry with its first truly open global data exchange standard. With IPC-2581, our customers can streamline the handoff to manufacturing partners by sending a single file.
Email: moc.g1739030444niree1739030444nignE1739030444robaT1739030444@mi1739030444
Website: TaborEngineering.com
Tebosoft is an electronic manufacturing software provider in Shenzhen, China. With the neutrally maintained IPC-2581 data transfer format, when we provide DFT analysis and automatically generate CNC processing data for ATE/ICT fixture manufacturing, Tebosoft will be able to ensure accurate design data transmission and can design and manufacture test fixtures in advance.
Email: moc.t1739030444fosob1739030444et@se1739030444las1739030444
Website: http://www.tebosoft.com
Tempo Automation is creating an automated factory for incredibly fast electronics manufacturing. The service goes from an uploaded CAD file to pricing, quoting, ordering parts and programming the machines on the factory floor. IPC2581 is an important standard for us because we'd like to support as many CAD file types as we can. We believe that by having a strong standard we as an industry will be able to build hardware faster and eliminate a lot of mundane data transformation tasks.
Email: moc.n1739030444oitam1739030444otuao1739030444pmet@1739030444essej1739030444
Website: http://www.tempoautomation.com/
Test Research, Inc. (TRI) offers the most robust product portfolio in the PCBA industry for Automatic Test and Inspection solutions, from Optical Inspection to Board Testing. TRI supports IPC-DPMX (IPC-2581) efforts and recognizes the advantages of the standard’s effectiveness for PCB design data transfer. To ease data exchange and enable the connected factory, TRI supports upcoming and innovative industry 4.0 standards, such as IPC-DPMX, IPC-CFX, and IPC-Hermes-9852.
Email: wt.mo1739030444c.irt1739030444@arbe1739030444y_tre1739030444bor1739030444
Website: https://www.tri.com.tw/
ThingWeaver Solutions openly embraces the concept of a data exchange standard that is open, collaborative, and enables the elimination of redundant, error-prone human interpretation and re-entry of data from a decades-old document-centric methodology. IPC-2581 lays a solid foundation from which organizations can construct a reliable, machine-readable digital data transfer for PCB fabrication, assembly, and test in a single file. We are committed to assisting organizations to adopt the IPC-2581 standard and we encourage others to join and support us.
Website: http://www.thingweaversolutions.com/
Our customers are asking us to support IPC-2581. At Tripod (WuXi) Electroinc Co Ltd we believe in open, efficient, global standard for PCB design data hand off, We will work with IPC-2581 consortium to help IPC-2581 be adopted.
Email: moc.h1739030444cet-d1739030444opirt1739030444@9272173903044450701739030444
Ucamco supports the IPC-2581 initiative as it will help its customers to improve their productivity and quality. Ucamco is an early adopter. Since 2006 the output of Integr8tor Data Analysis software uses IPC-2581 to describe the stackup of jobs; this date is input by several engineering and quotation systems and is in dialy use. Since 2005 Ucam can generate IPC-2581 files.
Email: moc.o1739030444cmacu1739030444@rein1739030444revat1739030444.lera1739030444k1739030444
Website: https://www.ucamco.com/en/
In ULMA Embedded Solutions we design and develop custom embedded systems and we believe that IPC-2581 standard will help us to improve our solutions development and manufacturing lifecycle. We are convinced that by implementing this standard during our development process we will offer higher quality solutions to our customers and, at the same time, errors, costs and time-to market will be reduced.We are happy to see that our partner Altium also supports this standard. We will invite those PCB manufacturers that produce our designs to start working with IPC-2581.
Email: moc.d1739030444eddeb1739030444meaml1739030444u@acs1739030444ub1739030444
Website: http://www.ulmaembedded.com/
For 20 years, UP Media Group has supported the development of an intelligent, robust format for electronics data transfer. We fully support the Consortium’s effort to ensure a viable, supported and independent data transfer format that is driven by user needs.
Email: moc.p1739030444uorga1739030444idemp1739030444u@wot1739030444eubm1739030444
Website: http://www.upmediagroup.com/
Vayo, an electronics manufacturing industry software provider from Shanghai/China, provides software solutions for PCB Design validation, fabrication, assembly & test. With the neutrally maintained IPC-2581 data transfer format, Vayo will be able to guarantee precise design data transfer when we offer DFM analysis, SMT/placement programming, DFT analysis, ICT/Flying Probe/AOI/X-Ray/SPI programming and work instruction document solutions to our global manufacturing clients.
Email: moc.o1739030444fnioy1739030444av@ui1739030444ldraw1739030444oh1739030444
Website: www.vayoinfo.com
VELUX Group, maker of high quality accessory to roof windows, places great demands on its PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards). We believe that an open and neutral standard IPC2581, can help us achieve a good communication and understanding of our specifications with the manufacturing supplier. We will highly encourage our suppliers to get ready to accept IPC-2581 from us.
Email: moc.x1739030444ulev@1739030444draag1739030444ron.n1739030444alla1739030444
Website: http://www.velux.com/
Viasystems is a leading global provider of complex multi-layer Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and Electro-Mechanical Solutions (E-MS) based in St. Louis, Missouri, with manufacturing facilities in North America and China. Viasystems is encouraged and excited to see an industry standard intelligent data format such as IPC2581 developed and currently in the final stages of deployment and integration. Viasystems is committed to promoting and supporting the consortium in continued development of IPC2581 and associated software application integration, working directly with the industry and our customers in adoption, testing and validating, and complete implementation of IPC2581 as a standard intelligent data exchange format from design to manufacturing.
Email: moc.s1739030444metsy1739030444saiv@1739030444suila1739030444B.tne1739030444K1739030444
Website: viasystems.com
WISE Software invested in the development of IPC-2581 support early and released our first products with import/export of IPC-2581 in late 2005, the year following the official release of the specification. And in early 2006 WISE Software began shipping VisualCAM and GerbTool with IPC-2581 support at no extra cost in most product configurations to help promote the adoption of the IPC-2581 specification. WISE Software remains committed in our support for IPC-2581 and we continue to look forward to the day when intelligent electronics data transfer is the norm rather than the exception
Email: moc.i1739030444ssw@e1739030444imaj1739030444
Website: http://wssi.com/
WITTENSTEIN electronics GmbH develops, produces and markets complex electronic and software components for drive technologies that can work in extreme environments. Besides assembly and test services we work very closely with our PCB manufacturers and the design tool company to improve the standard. To get the best possible quality and reduce the amount of documents and data one neutral, intelligent data format (IPC-2581) is necessary. The whole supply-chain should be able to handle these information.
Email: ed.ni1739030444etsne1739030444ttiw@1739030444sehtt1739030444aM.le1739030444ahciM1739030444
Website: https://www.wittenstein.de/en-en/
Wus PCB supports the adoption of an intelligent, open, robust, design data standard which moves the industry towards 100% electronic bi-directional data transfer. We support the adoption of IPC-2581. Wus PCB will work with the consortium to help the industry move towards towards an efficient, reliable, more accurate data exchange that eliminates unnecessary iterations between the design house and their manufacturing partners
Email: moc.a1739030444sucps1739030444uw@kn1739030444il_ge1739030444rg1739030444
Website: http://www.wus.com.tw/index.php/en/
XPLM is a system integrator for ECAD/EDA and PLM systems. IPC-2581 will provide the industry an important new exchange format standard. In this way, XPLM will support IPC-2581 in its integration solutions. We encourage others to join as well to deliver the high potentials of that format to the industry.
Email: moc.m1739030444lpx@a1739030444nnoda1739030444raC.k1739030444raM1739030444
Website: http://www.xplm.com/
Z-zero is excited to support the IPC-2581 standard for PCB stackup data transfer. The need for a universal, vendor-neutral format is a no brainer, in fact, and bidirectional IPC-2581 support was our first external interface for our Z-planner stackup design software.
Email: moc.o1739030444rez-z1739030444@llib1739030444
Website: www.z-zero.com
We work on many PCB layout designs with customers around the world. We believe that common PCB Manufacturing output will improve efficiency, and reduce costs for both PCB Manufacturing and OEMs. We will recommend all our customers to start using IPC-2581. Also we will request our partners to support IPC-2581 Consortium.
Email: moc.e1739030444noatt1739030444ez@hs1739030444erus1739030444
Website: http://www.zettaone.com
ZTE is a provider of telecommunications equipment and network solutions. ZTE supports the adoption of IPC-2581 as an open standard, and is very pleased to participate in the formulation of IPC-2581 standard.
Email: nc.mo1739030444c.etz1739030444@uy.g1739030444naw1739030444
Website: https://www.zteusa.com/
Zuken supports efforts by independent standards bodies such IPC to create and maintain neutral standards that all may adopt and benefit by. Open standards have always given the greatest benefit to the widest audience. IPC-2581 is one such standard. Zuken encourages participation of all producers and consumers of PCB design, fabrication, assembly and test data to join in this effort. To support our customers and industry requirements, the output for IPC-2581 is currently available with Zuken’s CR-5000 and CR-8000 PCB design products. With support from IPC and the IPC-2581 Consortium, Zuken is committed support this standard as a viable solution for the industry.
Email: moc.a1739030444sunek1739030444uz@tt1739030444aw.ev1739030444ets1739030444
Website: https://us.zuken.com/