IPC-2581 Consortium members will be at IPC-APEX 2024 in Anaheim. Listed below are meetings related to IPC-2581 at the show.
2-16 Digital Product Model Exchange (DPMX) Subcommittee
Monday April 8th, 2024, 1:30 PM – 5 PM Room 208A
This subcommittee is responsible for the maintenance and further development of IPC-2581.
The IPC-2581 Users group meeting
Wednesday April 10th, 2024, 8 AM – 10 AM room 207C
This is an open forum to discuss the state of IPC-2581 from the perspective of the users, including PCB designers, ECAD tool providers and manufacturers. Users are invited to attend and share their experiences with IPC-2581, ask questions to the group, or listen in.
2-12A Generic Requirements for Digital Twin Task Group
Wednesday April 10th, 2024, 10:15 AM – Noon Room 213B
Discussion on connecting other IPC standards through the Digital Twin Interoperability architecture that this standard defines. The “PCB Digital Twin” will be one of these topics, potentially combining IPC-2552 MBD, IPC-2581 DPMX, IPC-2591 CFX, as well as security and privacy discussions, prompting the use of W3C Verifiable credentials, as in discussion for the IPC-2553 Sustainability standard.
2-40 Electronic Documentation committee meeting
Wednesday April 10th, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Room 208A
To discuss proposed major revisions to the IPC-D-325 and IPC-26xx documents to modernize them. The current standards are based on Gerber data and epaper drawings and files. I am asking for support to modernize the IPC electronic documentation to be IPC-2581 based and eliminate sending design requirements on drawings, spreadsheets, etc. Users can use existing excellent commercial software to create drawings if they want them.